Truth Telling and Treaty by Isobel Morphy-Walsh


This is not the first time that there has been a need for treaty on this land. The old ones left behind a story.

Truth Telling and Treaty
by Isobel Morphy-Walsh
Delivered on 15 June 2024

There was a time when the kulin people went to war with the Kuborra’s. our stories tell us that we are young in the scheme of creation, as a life form. Many other life forms animals, rivers, stones, plants and mountains came before us – guides, teachers kin.

But one animal he came from us – originally. But back then, in the time where creation was settling into its skin, the people had forgotten their history with Koobora Koala. Time had passed since Koobora has been shared their skin, customs and stories. The people had forgotten of their shared history. The people forgot that actions of long ago have consequences in the now and of today. They turned their back on Koobora and began to treat them with contempt – disrespect. The people began to hunt, the koala – not for food or purpose but for pleasure.

One day, one act was committed that was so sorry and hurtful, the Koobooras they gathered for a big meeting.

“something has to be done”
“they separated those poor Koobora’s flesh from the skin”
“they skinned them and left them there”
“we need to take a stand”

The Kooboras decided to go to war that night with the people. They decided that the kulin needed to be reminded of who they were; the history they shared; have injustices of the past corrected. And they were angry. Many of the Koobooras were angry at what had occurred and its dismissal from thought and action. They decided to take the water. No easy feat. To gather all the water – this went on over weeks, weeks turned into months – the koalas slowly taking more and more of the water forcing the land to get dry and the people like the rest of the plants and animals to get thirsty.

The people became desperate and reached out to the koalas trying to meet, to make a truce. But now the Koalas turned their back on the past. They allowed their anger, their fear, their shame to guide the. They forgot who they were. And the land and the animals got thirstier and thirstier.

Eventually the people called upon Bundjil, fierce eagle warrior and creator to help them. Bundjil decided to gather both the people and the kuboora. He created space. Space for the koala to talk to the people, for the people to listen. Space for the people to talk, space for the koala to listen. Space to remember and share. See that’s the brilliant thing about forgetting – we can be reminded – we can remember again.

And together the two sides made a treaty. The koalas released the water. The people vowed to remember the koalas power, right past injury and never again take Kooboora and his life for granted or with disregard.

Together they made peace, an agreement for how each would be with and treat each other moving forward. One that the kulin follow to this day.


Treaty and Truth by Uncle Larry Walsh


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