Moogahlin Performing Arts
Development of a new work: Ngapa Mayi Purtu
Jane Harrison recently spent an inspiring ten days with Moogahlin Performing Arts on Yuwalaraay/Ngemba/Murrawarri Country’s in Goodooga, Brewarrina, & Weilmoringle. After being postponed by more that a year due to the 2021 Covid-19 lockdowns, they were overjoyed to finally have the Murrawarri team together to work on the development of Napa Mayi Purtu!
This development was a process of listening, sharing, opening up, letting go, and being present on-country. This time together was not just arts work, it is personal and cultural development, and an opening up of the relationships between land, water, sky and First Peoples identity.
Moogahlin Performing Arts is New South Wales’ leading First Nations performing arts Company. Founded in 2007 by a group of First Nations artists, educators, and community workers, they are based on Gadigal Country (Redfern), and Ngemba Land in Brewarrina, Far-West NSW.