Bebe Oliver is a Bardi Jawi award-winning author, poet and illustrator.

Beginning his creative practice as a classical pianist and composer, Bebe was a West Australian Young Person of the Year before producing and directing theatre, dance, public art and festivals across Australia, Aotearoa and Europe.

An experienced leader in Aboriginal advancement and self-determination, Bebe has collaborated with international organisations including Aesop, Global Citizen, and World Pride to celebrate Blak stories, communities and identities.

Bebe’s debut poetry collection, more than these bones (Magabala Books, 2023) received widespread acclaim for its authentic and emotional representation of mental health and human experience.

A writer, facilitator and speaker living on the unceded land of the Kulin peoples, Bebe is committed to the empowerment and visibility of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers and creators. He is the Deputy Chair of Magabala Books, Australia’s leading Indigenous publishing house.

Bebe’s highly celebrated and widely published work encompasses love, loss, identity, Aboriginal and gay existence, place and Country.

Bebe Oliver

Artistic Director & CEO