Of the approximate 250 traditional languages spoken in 1788 only 13 are still actively being acquired by children. Hear from a local cultural warrior who is relearning, reclaiming and re-educating in her own language. With Vicki Couzens.

Supported by RMIT Indigenous Education and Engagement.


Add to Calendar 2019-09-07 13:15:00 2019-09-07 14:15:00 Australia/Melbourne Language Returned

Of the approximate 250 traditional languages spoken in 1788 only 13 are still actively being acquired by children. Hear from a local cultural warrior who is relearning, reclaiming and re-educating in her own language. With Vicki Couzens. Supported by RMIT Indigenous Education and Engagement.

RMIT Storey Hall,

Building 16, 336–348 Swanston St
Melbourne VIC 3000